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Sam Felicia & Associates Partners
Sam Felicia & Associates is happy to coordinate all of your related services and rentals such as (list partner services here.) We place the order for you and assist with any arrangements needed.

Here are trusted partners recommended by Sam Felicia & Associates.
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(800) 555-5555
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(800) 555-5555
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(800) 555-5555
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(800) 555-5555
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Name of Contact Person
(800) 555-5555
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Name of Contact Person
(800) 555-5555
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Social-Emotional Learning Kits

Address character-building topics using real-world examples of social skills in action. The colorful readers and accompanying activities will engage students as well as encourage follow up discussions and critical-thinking opportunities.
Lessons for each reader are provided in the teacher's guide. The lessons are specifically designed to provide scaffolding and practice for developing reading comprehension, writing, and vocabulary skills. Each student page represents a stand-alone activity with tie-ins to the content and vocabulary introduced in the reader.